If you are unable to come to the Examinations Office during office hours, please contact the responsible administrator by e-mail, telephone or post.

Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences
The Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences (PAGS) is the central point of contact for all examination-related questions. You've come to the right place if you're studying a degree program from Faculties 01, 02, 9-15.
22 employees in direction, administration and IT
- We can advise you on all questions relating to examination and study regulations. We can also help you register for examinations.
- We process your applications for the transfer and recognition of examination and study achievements and issue notifications such as documents in accordance with § 48 BAföG, withdrawals and appeals.
- We register all the examinations you have taken and issue all the relevant documents.
- We work closely with the programme coordinators of your subjects, the University Registrar's Office and the International Office to ensure that your studies run as smoothly as possible.
- We are responsible for the doctoral procedures Dr. phil. (Faculties 09-13), Dr. rer. soc. (Faculty 15) and Ph.D. (Faculty 11) and advise you from the issue of the permission to do a doctorate to the submission of the dissertation.
- We are your contact for binational doctorates (cotutelle doctorates)
Opening hours
- Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00
- Thursday: 13:30 - 15:30
- Monday / Friday: closed
- The Examinations Office is spread over several rooms (C 026, D 020, D 201, D 203 & D 205). You can find the correct room for your responsible administrator under Contact the administration.
- Closing time: 11.08.2025 - 22.08.2025 (no consultation hours)
Co-tutelle procedure (binational doctoral procedure)
The Examination Office also conducts binational doctoral procedures with foreign universities.