LMU Hauptgebäude von außen mit Studierenden und vielen Fahrrädern


The Examination Office for Humanities and Social Sciences (PAGS) is the central point of contact for all examination-related questions. You've come to the right place if you're studying a degree program from Faculties 01, 02, 9-15.

21 employees in direction, administration and IT as well as 8 student assistants:

  • We can advise you on all questions relating to examination and study regulations. We can also help you register for examinations.
  • We process your applications for the transfer and recognition of examination and study achievements. We also process other applications related to the examination and study regulations, such as documents in accordance with § 48 BAföG, withdrawals and appeals.
  • We register all the examinations you have taken and issue all the relevant documents, such as the transcript of records, certificates and diplomas in German and English as well as the diploma supplement.
  • We work closely with the programme coordinators of your subjects, the University Registrar's Office and the International Office to ensure that your studies run as smoothly as possible.
  • We are responsible for the doctoral procedures Dr. phil. (Faculties 09-13), Dr. rer. soc. (Faculty 15) and Ph.D. (Faculty 11) and advise you from the issue of the permission to do a doctorate to the submission of the dissertation and administration of the examination procedure to the printing of the dissertation and the issuing of the doctoral degree diploma.
  • We are your contact for binational doctorates (cotutelle doctorates)

Opening hours

Contact to your administrator

Contact form

You can use the contact form linked here to quickly and easily find out who is responsible for you at PAGS, request account statements and withdraw from examinations.

Latest news


Here you will find changes at the Examinations Office (e.g. new responsible administrators), job vacancies and events at the Examinations Office.

Lantern in front of the LMU main building

Registration for the Master's Ceremony of Faculty 13

Read more
Rows of books on shelves in a library


Here you will find general information about your examinations and studies, which generally apply to all degree programs and subjects.



Here you will find your respective contact persons.

Modularized study courses


Bookshelves in the Philologicum
Several people on front of a fountain on a square
Students in a counseling situation

Co-tutelle procedure (binational doctoral procedure)

The Examination Office also conducts binational doctoral procedures with foreign universities.

Further information

Examination and Doctoral Committees

Here you will find the relevant examination and doctoral committees.

Examination and Doctoral Boards


If you are unable to come to the Examinations Office during office hours, please contact the responsible administrator by e-mail, telephone or post.

Opening hours

Tuesday: 10:00-12:00 || Wednesday: 10:00-12:00 || Thursday: 13:30-15:30 || Monday and Friday closed

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